Welcome to REAL - Partners in Health

the REAL journey

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"I want to be the best I can be"

first step

Contact us by phone, online or drop in.


We will register you on our system and send you a Health Questionnaire via email to complete.

health questionnaire

You fill in your Health Questionnaire, giving as much detail as possible about your medical history and health goals.

You state whether you are looking for standalone physiotherapy or are keen to start an exercise programme with us.

REAL Health Assessment
Your Specialist Health Assessment
physiotherapy & SPORTS MASSAGE

Our Physiotherapists will assess and treat you with the aim of reducing pain, improving movement and rehabilitating you fully.

Once your course of treatment has come to an end, you can choose to continue your health journey with us by having a REAL Health Assessment.

If you choose not to train with REAL after your Physiotherapy, we will keep in touch and you will always be welcome!

Your real Health Assessment

A comprehensive medical screen, movement assessment, cardiovascular test and goal-setting.

Your Health Partner will prescribe your pathway including physiotherapy, sports massage, mat Pilates, reformer Pilates and hybrid training as appropriate and at a flat rate.


A thorough assessment of your overall health, with a focus on your cancer diagnosis and treatment.

This includes medical screening, movement assessment and a cardio test (if appropriate).

Your REAL Journey will then start with our REAL Specialist Care Programme, with the aim of supporting you with your pre and/or rehab.

Personal Commitment Programme

Your prescription (planned journey) will be unique to you, according your goals and current physical ability.

Health Partner review

Your Health Partner will regularly check in with you to see how things are going. The partnership is an ongoing conversation between you and us about your journey and regular review is one of our priorities.

Month to month, you will have a brief follow-up with your Health Partner to review the past month and plan for the month ahead.


It's time for a re-assessment. You and your Health Partner will decide when to revisit anything from the initial assessment that is pertinent to your goals.

Goals met? Congratulations!
What next? New Goals!
Not quite there? Carry on in partnership with us, step by step towards that target you have in sight.


Start your REAL journey today!